Hima Das's athletic coach refutes sexual allegations - Breaking News,National News in Hindi,Hindi News, Latest News in Hindi,

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Monday, 30 July 2018

Hima Das's athletic coach refutes sexual allegations

<p>Tezpur (Assam) [India], Jul 29 (ANI): Nipon Das, the coach of athletics sensation Hima Das has rebuffed allegations of sexually assaulting a female athlete he has coached, saying he did nothing wrong.</p><p>In an audio message, Nipon said, "Allegations of sexual assault are false. The woman athlete who made the allegations continued to come for coaching. If I am found guilty, I must be punished but if I am not found guilty then she should be punished."</p><p>He added, "I am clean and innocent. You can ask my students. The police told me to cooperate and I am doing that only. An inquiry is on."</p><p>Reportedly, the female athlete said that she was allegedly sexually assaulted by Nipon during a training session at the Sarusajai Stadium in Guwahati in May.</p><p>Hima recently became the first Indian woman to win gold at IAAF World U-20 Athletics Championships. The 18-year-old made the country proud as she scripted history by clinching the top spot in the women's 400 m final race at the Championships which was held in France. (ANI)</p><br/><center><em><p>This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI</p></em></center>

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