Trump's vandalised Walk of Fame star to stay put - Breaking News,National News in Hindi,Hindi News, Latest News in Hindi,

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Monday, 30 July 2018

Trump's vandalised Walk of Fame star to stay put

<p>Washington DC, [USA] July 29 (ANI): United States President Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star which was recently vandalised will not be removed.</p><p>According to TMZ, the Los Angeles Police department and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce have decided this since they realised that if it is removed then cases of violence between Trump supporters and haters will increase exponentially.</p><p>Also, both the agencies anticipated an increase in cases of vandalism might affect other on others stars. Interestingly, both the organisations were earlier in favour of removing the star.</p><p>A violence broke out on Thursday after a man named Austin Clay destroyed Trump's star using a pickaxe on Wednesday night.</p><p>This is the second time when Trump's star has been vandalised. Earlier in 2016, a man named James Lambert Otis destroyed the star with a pickaxe and sledgehammer. (ANI)</p><br/><center><em><p>This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI</p></em></center>

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