Google, offer job to homeless man who distributed resume on road - Breaking News,National News in Hindi,Hindi News, Latest News in Hindi,

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Monday, 30 July 2018

Google, offer job to homeless man who distributed resume on road

<strong>New Delhi:</strong> This story of a man with courage, initiative, and perseverance will encourage you to never give up on your dreams! David Casarez, an unemployed web developer who moved to Silicon Valley in California in the hope of breaking into the tech industry, ended up being homeless. Desperate for work, he took to the streets to ask for help. He wore a nice shirt, pants and tie and distributed his resume by standing on a roadside with a handwritten placard that read "HOMELESS, HUNGRY 4 SUCCESS. TAKE A RESUME.", reported New York Post. He handed out resumes instead of begging in order to alleviate himself out of poverty. After his unorthodox approach to job hunting was shared on social media by a stranger and his photo of him holding the aforementioned placard went viral on Twitter, he got more than 200 job offers! <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Today I saw this young homeless man asking for people to take a resume rather than asking for money. If anyone in the Silicon Valley could help him out, that would be amazing. Please RT so we can help David out! <a href=""></a></p> — FullMakeup Alchemist (@jaysc0) <a href="">July 27, 2018</a></blockquote> Even the internet giant Google and Bitcoin reached him out, Casarez told New York Post. "A product manager from was wondering if I could work remotely of if I want to relocate to Tokyo," he said. Casarez who has been living in his car for over a year said that he couldn't succeed in getting a job in Apple after qualifying for an interview in January. He claimed that the job was filled internally. Casarez, who did some freelancing in web design and logo design jobs earlier, is an information systems management graduate. He said that he dressed up nice in order to be presentable to my future employers. "It was basically a make-or-break moment," he asserted. On Saturday in twitter, his photo of him holding a placard and his resume was retweeted over 50,000 times and was liked over 70,000 times. "I wasn't expecting that kind of response," he added. <em>(With inputs from ANI)</em>

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